The City of Atoka is hiring! The city is growing rapidly, and new jobs are being created.

The City of Atoka is hiring! The city is growing rapidly, and new jobs are being created.

Learn why so many families are relocating to Atoka!


The City of Atoka is hiring! The city is growing rapidly, and new jobs are being created.


Atoka City Industrial Development Authority

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Development Areas

aerial shot of housing in AtokaAtoka is addressing housing issues. New housing developments for workforce (75k – 120k) and mid-range housing (120k – 250k) are being developed and implemented. This plan will address our two key issues regarding housing deficits.




The industrial center in Atoka

Our current state and local incentives are contributing to the growth of manufacturing businesses looking to locate in SE OK. Atoka has an inventory of available manufacturing buildings and land for expansion. Rental rates are based on number of jobs and economic impact.




Cattle ranch in AtokaAtoka has a strong agricultural base. We are continually looking for ways to improve profitability for small farms and ranches. Atoka has welcomed two new companies to our area that are addressing these issues.




Tractor Supply in AtokaRetail is coming to Atoka! The addition of the Pilot Travel Center and Tractor Supply has highlighted the opportunity for retail in Atoka. The 2016 Opportunity Gap Report shows a total leakage of $83mil within a 15 mile radius (Consumer Expenditure Survey).

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