The City of Atoka is hiring! The city is growing rapidly, and new jobs are being created.

The City of Atoka is hiring! The city is growing rapidly, and new jobs are being created.

Learn why so many families are relocating to Atoka!


The City of Atoka is hiring! The city is growing rapidly, and new jobs are being created.


Atoka City Industrial Development Authority

Home>Government>ACIDA>Business Incentives

Business Incentives

Artist's rendering of the proposed Atoka convention centerThe citizens of Atoka approved a one-half cent sales tax to be used for Economic Development. The Atoka City Industrial Development Authority (ACIDA) uses the proceeds of this tax to maintain and create jobs in the community.

Types of incentives that ACIDA funds can be used for:

  • Purchase of land,
  • “Build to Suit” facilities with long-term lease/purchase for tenant in ACIDA Properties,
  • Refurbish or remodel existing ACIDA facilities,
  • Equipment purchases for installation in ACIDA properties, and
  • Infrastructure development for ACIDA properties.

The amount of ACIDA incentives are based on the number of jobs created, benefits offered employees and the amount of investment in the project.

ACIDA works with the Oklahoma Department of Commerce to get you the maximum incentives available.

Atoka is located in:

  • Federal Opportunity Zone,
  • New Market Tax Credits, and
  • Former Indian Lands.

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